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  • DDC779BE02
  • DDC779BE02
  • DDC779BE02
  • DDC779BE02
  • DDC779BE02
  • DDC779BE02
  • DDC779BE02
  • DDC779BE02

ABB DDC779BE02 主板模块

制造商: ABB


条件:全新, 12个月保修




主板,又叫主机板(mainboard)、系统板 (systemboard)、 或母板 (motherboard), 计算机最基 本的同时也是最重要的部件之一。主板一般为矩形电路板,上面安装 了组成计算机的主要电路系统,- 般有BIOS芯片、/O控制芯片、键盘和面板控制开关接口、指示灯插接件、扩充插槽、主板及插卡的直流电源供电接插件等元件

主板,也叫母板,安装在计算机主机箱内,是计算机最基本也是最重要的部件之一,在整个计算机系统中扮演 着举足轻重的角色。主板制造质量的高低,决定了硬件系统的稳定性。主板与CPU关系密切,每一次CPU的重 大升级,必然导致主板的换代。主板是计算机硬件系统的核心,也是主机箱内面积最大的一块印刷电路板。主板的主要功能是传输各种电子信号,部分芯片也负责初步处理一些外围数据。 计算机主机中的各个部件都是通过主板来连接的,计算机在正常运行时对系统内存、存储设备和其他I/O设备的操控都必须通过主板来完成。计算机性能是否能够充分发挥,硬件功能是否足够,以及硬件兼容性如何等,都取决于主板的设计。主板的优劣在某种程度上决定了-台计算机的整体性能、使用年限以及功能扩展能力。主板采用了开放式结构。主板上大都有6-15个扩展插槽,供PC机外围设备的控制卡(适配器)插接。通过更换这些插卡,可以对微机的相应子系统进行局部升级,使厂家和用户在配置机型方面有更大的灵活性。总之,主板在整个微机系统中扮演着举足轻重的角色。可以说,主板的类型和档次决定着整个微机系统的类型和档次,主板的性能影响着整个微机系统的性能







Motherboard, also known as mainboard, system board, or motherboard, is one of the most basic and important components of a computer. Motherboard 1

It is usually a rectangular circuit board, which is installed with the main circuit system of the computer, including BIOS chips,/O control chips, keyboard and panel control switch interfaces, indicator light connectors, expansion slots

DC power supply connectors and other components for motherboard and card insertion

The motherboard, also known as the motherboard, is installed in the computer host box and is one of the most basic and important components of the computer, playing a crucial role in the entire computer system. High quality motherboard manufacturing

Low determines the stability of the hardware system. The motherboard is closely related to the CPU, and every major upgrade of the CPU inevitably leads to the replacement of the motherboard. The motherboard is the core of the computer hardware system and also the main box

The printed circuit board with the largest internal area. The main function of the motherboard is to transmit various electronic signals, and some chips are also responsible for preliminary processing of peripheral data. The various components in the computer host are connected through the main

The board is used to connect, and the computer must control the system memory, storage devices, and other I/O devices through the motherboard during normal operation. Can the computer performance be fully utilized, and what are the hardware functions

Whether it is sufficient and how compatible the hardware is depends on the design of the motherboard. The quality of the motherboard to some extent determines the overall performance, lifespan, and functional scalability of a computer.

The motherboard adopts an open structure. There are mostly 6-15 expansion slots on the motherboard for the control card (adapter) of PC peripheral devices. By replacing these cards, the corresponding subsystems of the microcomputer can be upgraded

Conduct local upgrades to provide manufacturers and users with greater flexibility in configuring models. In short, motherboards play a crucial role in the entire microcomputer system. It can be said that the type and grade of the motherboard are decisive

The type and level of the entire microcomputer system are determined, and the performance of the motherboard affects the performance of the entire microcomputer system

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