


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

  • 216BM61B
  • 216BM61B
  • 216BM61B
  • 216BM61B
  • 216BM61B
  • 216BM61B
  • 216BM61B
  • 216BM61B

ABB 216BM61B 模件总线连接电缆

●电源输入: 24V DC

●最大功耗: 10W

●工作温度范围: -20°C至+ 60°C

●存储温度范围: -40°C至+85°C

●尺寸: 100mm x 50mm x 25mm




PROFIBUS 电缆很简单的,就只有两根线在里面,-根红的一根绿的,然后外面有屏蔽层。接线的时候,要把屏蔽层接好,不能和里面的电线接触到。要分清楚进去的和出去的线分别是哪个,假如是一串的, 就是一根总线下去, 中间不断地接入分站,这个是很常用的方法。在总线的两头的两个接头,线都要接在进去的那个孔里,不能是出的那个孔,然后这两个两头的接头,要把它们的开关置为ON状态,这时候就只有进去的那个接线是通的,而出去的那个接线是断的。期中间的接头,都置为OFF,它们的进出两个接线都是通的(记忆方法: ON表示接入终端电阻,所以两端的接头拨至ON; OFF表示断开终端电阻,所以中间的接头要拨至OFF)。

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ABB 216BM61B (2).jpg

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ABB 216BM61B (4).jpg



The PROFIBUS cable is very simple, with only two wires inside, one red and one green, and a shielding layer on the outside. When wiring, the shielding layer should be properly connected and should not come into contact with the wires inside. It is a common method to distinguish between the incoming and outgoing lines. If it is a string, it means that a bus is connected continuously to a substation in the middle. At the two connectors on both ends of the bus, the wires should be connected to the hole in which they enter, not the hole out. Then, the switches on these two connectors should be set to ON. At this time, only the incoming wire is connected, while the outgoing wire is disconnected. The connectors in the middle are set to OFF, and both incoming and outgoing wires are connected (memory method: ON means to connect the terminal resistor, so turn the connectors at both ends to ON; OFF means to disconnect the terminal resistor, so turn the connector in the middle to OFF).

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