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1394C-SJT05-D 交流伺服控制器轴 实现电动机的精确位置

1394C-SJT05-D 交流伺服控制器轴的控制方式通常包括位置控制、速度控制和转矩控制。 在位置控制模式下,轴根据设定的位置指令来控制电动机的运动,以实现精确的位置控制。 在速度控制模式下,轴根据设定的速度指令来控制电动机的运动,以实现精确的速度控制。 在转矩控制模式下,轴根据设定的转矩指令来控制电动机的输出转矩,以实现精确的转矩控制。



1394C-SJT05-D 交流伺服控制器轴  实现电动机的精确位置


罗克韦尔/Allen-Bradley 1394C-SJT05-D交流伺服控制器轴模块

Allen-Bradley 1394C-AM04 是属于 1394 系列 C 系列的多轴模块。 其规格与其他多轴模块相同,峰值功率为3 kW。 该模块的持续输出电流(RMS)为4.5安培,但在一秒钟内,峰值电流可达9安培。 1394C - AM04 的标称输入电压为 530 至 680 V DC,其电容与 1394C-AM03 相同,速率为 110 微法。 它重 5 公斤,机柜内有一个散热器。

1394C-SJT05-D 具有滑动锁定功能,可以轻松修改接线。 在系统上连接和布线电源或信号线时要小心。 来自附近电子驱动器的辐射噪声会干扰反馈、通信或其他敏感的低压信号。 这会阻止 1394C-SJT05-D成功运行。 在电缆上使用屏蔽层以最大程度地减少辐射噪声,并且不要 忘记将所有屏蔽层连接到单个接地点。 有关详细信息,请参阅手册。 确保对开放式屏蔽层(旋转变压器上的旋转变压器反馈电缆和伺服驱动器上的速度命令电缆)进行绝缘,以避免接地回路。

1394C-SJT05-D 交流伺服控制器轴(Axis of AC Servo Controller)是交流伺服控制器中用于控制电动机运动的轴。 它是交流伺服控制器的重要组成部分,用于实现电动机的精确位置、速度和转矩控制。

1394C-SJT05-D 交流伺服控制器轴通常具有高精度、高速度、高响应等特点,能够实现精确的位置控制和速度控制。 它们广泛应用于工业自动化、机器人、数控机床、印刷设备、包装设备等领域。

在交流伺服控制器中,轴通常通过编码器或其他位置传感器来检测电动机的位置和速度,并将这些信号反馈给控制器。 控制器根据反馈信号计算出所需的控制信号,并将其输出到功率转换器,以控制电动机的运动。

1394C-SJT05-D 交流伺服控制器轴的控制方式通常包括位置控制、速度控制和转矩控制。 在位置控制模式下,轴根据设定的位置指令来控制电动机的运动,以实现精确的位置控制。 在速度控制模式下,轴根据设定的速度指令来控制电动机的运动,以实现精确的速度控制。 在转矩控制模式下,轴根据设定的转矩指令来控制电动机的输出转矩,以实现精确的转矩控制。


1394C-SJT05-D 交流伺服控制器轴  实现电动机的精确位置


Rockwell /Allen-Bradley 1394C-SJT05-D AC servo controller shaft module

The Allen-Bradley 1394C-AM04 is a multi-axis module belonging to the 1394 Series C series. Its specifications are the same as other multi-axis modules with a peak power of 3 kW. The module has a sustained output current (RMS) of 4.5 amps, but in one second, the peak current can reach 9 amps. The 1394C-AM04 has a nominal input voltage of 530 to 680 V DC, its capacitance is the same as that of the 1394C-AM03, and the rate is 110 microfart. It weighs 5 kilograms and has a radiator in the cabinet.

The 1394C-SJT05-D has a sliding lock function that allows easy wiring modification. Be careful when connecting and wiring power or signal lines on your system. Radiated noise from nearby electronic drives can interfere with feedback, communications, or other sensitive low-voltage signals. This prevents 1394C-SJT05-D from running successfully. Use shields on cables to minimize radiated noise, and don't forget to connect all shields to a single ground point. Refer to the manual for more information. Ensure that the open shielding layer (the rotary transformer feedback cable on the rotary transformer and the speed command cable on the servo driver) is insulated to avoid grounding loops.

1394C-SJT05-D Axis of AC Servo Controller is an axis used to control motor movement in an AC servo controller. It is an important part of the AC servo controller, which is used to achieve precise position, speed and torque control of the motor.

1394C-SJT05-D AC servo controller shaft usually has the characteristics of high precision, high speed, high response, etc., to achieve accurate position control and speed control. They are widely used in industrial automation, robots, CNC machine tools, printing equipment, packaging equipment and other fields.

In an AC servo controller, the shaft typically detects the position and speed of the motor via an encoder or other position sensor and feeds these signals back to the controller. The controller calculates the required control signal based on the feedback signal and outputs it to the power converter to control the motion of the motor.

1394C-SJT05-D AC servo controller shaft control mode usually includes position control, speed control and torque control. In position control mode, the shaft controls the motor's movement according to the set position instructions to achieve accurate position control. In the speed control mode, the shaft controls the motor's movement according to the set speed instruction to achieve precise speed control. In torque control mode, the shaft controls the output torque of the motor according to the set torque instructions to achieve precise torque control.

In short, the AC servo controller shaft is an important part of the AC servo controller used to control the motor movement, with high precision, high speed, high response and other characteristics, to achieve accurate position, speed and torque control.



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