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1336-BDB-SP70C A-B 栅极驱动器备件板

1336-BDB-SP70C专用接线满子TB1允许连接框架尺寸为B的驱动器的输入和输出(额定功率为1至15马力和240伏、1至30马力和380伏,或1至20马力和600伏)。额定功率更高的驱动器(机架尺寸C、D、E、G和H)在驱动器底部安装了TB1接线箭子,需要在此处进行输入和输出电源连接。卸载款133-8DB-SP7CPCB时必须小心。通过测量+DC和-DC端子上的电压,验证总线电压是否为零(O)伏。在拆卸之前,确认锁定电源已从驱动器上断开。可替代133-BDB-SP7C主板的备用部件号是1336-CONV-SP7A (Ser.A至C)或1336-BDB-SP70C栅极驱动板。



1336-BDB-SP70C A-B 栅极驱动器备件板










兼容驱动器:加号(S), 力(T)


频率:50 - 60赫兹




描述:描述:1336-BDB-SP7C PCB板属于Allen-Bradley Bulletin 1336驱动器系列。该装置是用于艾伦-布拉德利1336 Plus和力驱动器的PCB栅极驱动器备件板。


ICE不仅是软件硬件排错工具,同时也是提高和优化系统能指标的工具。ICE工具(如美国HAU公司的产品)是可根据用户投资裁剪功能的系统,亦可根据需要选择配置各种档次的实时逻辑(Trace)、实时映象存储器(Shadow RAM)及程序效率实时分析功能(PPA)。

2.语言编译器(Compiler Tools)

C语言作为一种通用的语言,大幅度提高了嵌入式系统工程师的工作效率,使之能够充分发挥出嵌入式处理器日益提高的能,缩短产品进入市场时间。另外C语言便于移植和修改,使产品的升级和继承迅速。重要的是采用C语言编写的程序易于在不同的开发者之间进行交流,从而促进了嵌入式系统开发的产业化。1336-BDB-SP70C板是艾伦-布拉德利公告1336可调频率驱动器的艾伦-布拉德利备件板。此1336-BDB-SP7C板是用于1336 Plus (S)和强制(T)驱动器的PCB栅极驱动板。PCB以575伏交流电压工作,额定输出功率为7.5马力。正常工作频率为50至60赫兹。1336-BDB-SPTC g驱动PCB打开和关闭GBT制动器,为主控制和隔离板供电。它位于主控制板和机箱之间,带有专用的栅极驱动板安装板。该安装板便于维护和拆卸枷极驱动PCGB。该装置使用具有清晰标识的跳践线钱连接到主板,以消除接线错误。当出现错误显示(如EEINITREAD 53警告)或即使通电也不存在总线电压时,请考虑更换PCB栅极驱动器。

1336-BDB-SP70C专用接线满子TB1允许连接框架尺寸为B的驱动器的输入和输出(额定功率为1至15马力和240伏、1至30马力和380伏,或1至20马力和600伏)。额定功率更高的驱动器(机架尺寸C、D、E、G和H)在驱动器底部安装了TB1接线箭子,需要在此处进行输入和输出电源连接。卸载款133-8DB-SP7CPCB时必须小心。通过测量+DC和-DC端子上的电压,验证总线电压是否为零(O)伏。在拆卸之前,确认锁定电源已从驱动器上断开。可替代133-BDB-SP7C主板的备用部件号是1336-CONV-SP7A (Ser.A至C)或1336-BDB-SP70C栅极驱动板。

1336-BDB-SP70C A-B 栅极驱动器备件板


Manufacturer: Rockwell Automation

Brand: Alan Bradley

Model :1336-BDB-SP70C

Applications :DCS system accessories, robot system accessories, large servo system spare parts

Product Series :1336

Product Type: Parts

Assembly level: Level 1; Main assembly

Description: Grid driver circuit board

Compatible drivers: plus sign (S), Force (T)

Voltage :575V AC

Frequency: 50-60 Hz

Rated power :7.5 HP

Temperature range :0-60 degrees Celsius


Description: The 1336-BDB-SP7C PCB board belongs to the Allen-Bradley Bulletin 1336 driver family. The unit is a PCB gate driver spare board for Allen-Bradley 1336 Plus and force drivers.

1336-BDB-SP70C embedded applications are characterized by a variety of changes and unknown changes related to the hardware system in the real world, which brings a variety of uncertainties to the execution of microcontroller instructions, which can only be found through real-time online simulation of ICE, especially when the analysis is reliable, multiple simulations under the same conditions. To spot accidental errors.

ICE is not only a software and hardware debugging tool, but also a tool to improve and optimize system performance. ICE tools (such as the products of the United States HAU company) are systems that can tailor functions according to user investment, and can also be configured according to the needs of various grades of real-time logic (Trace), real-time image memory (Shadow RAM) and program efficiency real-time analysis function (PPA).

2. Language Compiler (Compiler Tools)

As a universal language, C language greatly improves the work efficiency of embedded system engineers, so that it can give full play to the increasing power of embedded processors and shorten the time for products to enter the market. In addition, C language is easy to transplant and modify, so that the product upgrade and inheritance is rapid. It is important that the program written in C language is easy to communicate between different developers, thus promoting the industrialization of embedded system development. The 1336-BDB-SP70C board is an Allen-Bradley spare parts board for the Allen-Bradley announcement 1336 adjustable frequency driver. This 1336-BDB-SP7C board is a PCB gate driver board for the 1336 Plus (S) and forced (T) drivers. The PCB operates at 575 volts AC and has a rated output power of 7.5 HP. The normal operating frequency is 50 to 60 Hz. The 1336-BDB-SPTC g drives the PCB to open and close the GBT brakes, supplying power to the main control and isolation boards. It is located between the main control board and the case, with a dedicated grid drive plate mounting plate. The mounting board facilitates maintenance and removal of the cail drive PCGB. The device is connected to the motherboard using a clearly marked jumper wire to eliminate wiring errors. Consider replacing the PCB gate driver when an error is displayed (such as the EEINITREAD 53 warning) or when the bus voltage is not present even when powered on.

The 1336-BDB-SP70C dedicated wiring full sub TB1 allows the connection of inputs and outputs of drivers with frame size B (rated at 1 to 15 HP and 240 volts, 1 to 30 HP and 380 volts, or 1 to 20 HP and 600 volts). Drivers with higher power ratings (rack sizes C, D, E, G, and H) have TB1 wiring arrows installed at the bottom of the driver, where input and output power connections are required. Caution must be taken when unloading Model 133-8DB-SP7CPCB. Verify that the bus voltage is zero (O) volts by measuring the voltage on the +DC and -DC terminals. Before removing, verify that the lock power supply is disconnected from the drive. Replacement parts for the 133-BDB-SP7C motherboard are 1336-CONV-SP7A (Ser.A to C) or 1336-BDB-SP70C gate drive boards.


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