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1769-IF8 紧凑型 I/O 模拟输入模块是一种模拟输入模块

Allen-Bradley 的 1769-IF8 紧凑型 I/O 模拟输入模块是一种模拟输入模块,具有八 (8) 个差分输入,电压范围为 +/-10 伏直流电、0 至 10 伏直流电、0 至 5 伏直流电和 1 至 5 伏直流电,电流范围为 0 至 20 mA 和 4 至 0 mA。



1769-IF8 紧凑型 I/O 模拟输入模块是一种模拟输入模块




Allen-Bradley 的 1769-IF8 紧凑型 I/O 模拟输入模块是一种模拟输入模块,具有八 (8) 个差分输入,电压范围为 +/-10 伏直流电、0 至 10 伏直流电、0 至 5 伏直流电和 1 至 5 伏直流电,电流范围为 0 至 20 mA 和 4 至 0 mA。

1769-IF8 的背板消耗电流在 120 伏直流时为 5 mA,在 70 伏直流电时为 24 mA,运行时会散发 3.64 瓦的热量。它使用三角洲-Σ模数转换器,其分辨率为16位单极性或15位加号。它具有取决于滤波器/配置的通道响应速度。它在 120 伏直流时的最大母线消耗电流为 5 mA,在 70 伏直流时为 24 mA,电压端子的输入阻抗为 220 kg,电流端子的输入阻抗为 250 欧姆。

1769-IF8 的公共失调电压范围为每通道 +/-10 伏直流电,在 60 至 50 赫兹时共模抑制比大于 60 dB。该模拟输入模块对电压信号的总体精度为+/-0.2%,对电流信号具有0.35%的总精度,而电压的总漂移精度为+/-0.003%,对于电流信号为每摄氏度+/-0.0045%。它还具有 +/-0.03% 的输入非线性度和 +/-0.03% 的可重复性。1769-IF8 有一个指示灯,显示模块的故障状态。1769-IF8 通过位报告对超量程或欠量程执行自动自诊断,还可以处理报警。它在 30.0 mA 的电压端具有 +/-1 伏直流连续的最大输入端子过载,在 +/-32.7 伏直流时具有 +/-6 mA 的过载。其工作温度范围在 0 到 60 摄氏度(32 到 140 华氏度)之间,冷凝时相对湿度限制为 95%。它重约 450 克(0.99 磅),尺寸约为 118 x 87 x 52.5 毫米。

1769-IF8 是一款紧凑型 I/O 模块,由 Allen-Bradley 制造,与 1769 CompactLogix 控制器和 MicroLogix 1500 控制器兼容。该控制器具有嵌入式八 (8) 个输入通道,支持差分和单端接线。

可配置信号为 0-20 mA 和 4-20mA 和 +/10VDC、1-5VDC、0-5VDC、0-10VDC。

输入通道接收的模拟信号使用Δ-Σ转换方法单独转换。转换后的信号存储在处理器的内存中,单极性为 16 位,双极性为 15 位。寄存器中是表示输入信号值的二进制位数组。为了正确显示等效测量或工程值,使用刻度指令对数据进行调节。处理的数据可以配置为工程单位,根据 PID、百分比范围和原始数据进行缩放。

1769-IF8 的电源距离额定值为 8 个模块。这是指物理模块位置,这意味着它不能安装在距离 8 CompactLogix 电源 1769 个模块的地方。此电源距离额定值可确保模块接收适当的背板电源。


1769-IF8 紧凑型 I/O 模拟输入模块是一种模拟输入模块


Allen-Bradley's 1769-IF8 compact I/O analog input module is an analog input module with eight (8) differential inputs in a voltage range of +/-10 volts DC, 0 to 10 volts DC, 0 to 5 volts DC, and 1 to 5 volts DC. Current ranges are 0 to 20 mA and 4 to 0 mA.

The backplane of the 1769-IF8 consumes 5 mA at 120 volts DC and 24 mA at 70 volts DC, and emits 3.64 watts of heat when operating. It uses a Delta-Sigma analog-to-digital converter with a resolution of 16-bit unipolar or 15-bit plus sign. It has a channel response speed depending on the filter/configuration. It has a maximum bus consumption current of 5 mA at 120 volts DC, 24 mA at 70 volts DC, and an input impedance of 220 kg at the voltage terminal and 250 ohms at the current terminal.

The 1769-IF8 has a common offset voltage range of +/-10 volts DC per channel and a common-mode rejection ratio greater than 60 dB at 60 to 50 Hz. The analog input module has an overall accuracy of +/-0.2% for the voltage signal and 0.35% for the current signal, while the total drift accuracy of the voltage is +/-0.003% and +/-0.0045% per degree Celsius for the current signal. It also has a +/-0.03% input nonlinearity and +/-0.03% repeatability. The 1769-IF8 has an indicator that shows the fault status of the module. The 1769-IF8 performs automatic self-diagnosis of overranges or underranges with bit reports and can also handle alarms. It has a maximum input terminal overload of +/-1 VDC continuous at the 30.0 mA voltage end and +/-6 mA overload at +/-32.7 VDC. It operates in a temperature range of 0 to 60 degrees Celsius (32 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit), with a relative humidity limit of 95% when condensing. It weighs about 450 grams (0.99 lb) and measures about 118 x 87 x 52.5 mm.

The 1769-IF8 is a compact I/O module manufactured by Allen-Bradley that is compatible with the 1769 CompactLogix controller and the MicroLogix 1500 controller. The controller has an embedded eight (8) input channels and supports differential and single-ended wiring.

Configurable signals are 0-20 mA and 4-20mA and +/10VDC, 1-5VDC, 0-5VDC, 0-10VDC.

The analog signal received by the input channel is converted separately using the Delta-σ conversion method. The converted signal is stored in the processor's memory and is 16-bit unipolar and 15-bit bipolar. In the register is an array of bits representing the value of the input signal. In order to correctly display equivalent measurement or engineering values, the data is adjusted using scale commands. The data processed can be configured as engineering units, scaled according to PID, percentage range, and raw data.

The 1769-IF8 has a power distance rating of 8 modules. This refers to the physical module location, which means it cannot be installed 1769 modules away from the 8 CompactLogix power supply. This power distance rating ensures that the module receives appropriate backplane power.

















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