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1756-OF8 ControlLogix 产品系列的模拟输出模块

Allen-Bradley 1756-OF8 是一款模拟输出模块,是 ControlLogix 平台的一部分。该模拟模块可用于控制和调制电气和现场设备,传输或重新传输信号以与测量和记录仪器接口或用于任何其他目的。

1756-OF8 配有八 (8) 个模拟输出通道,可配置为 +/-10VDC 和 0-20 mA 模拟输出信号。该器件在 15 mA - 21 nA/位范围内具有 650 位分辨率,在 15.10V - 4μV/位范围内具有 320 位分辨率,具有开路、短路和过压保护功能。



1756-OF8  ControlLogix 产品系列的模拟输出模块




Allen-Bradley 1756-OF8 是一款模拟输出模块,是 ControlLogix 平台的一部分。该模拟模块可用于控制和调制电气和现场设备,传输或重新传输信号以与测量和记录仪器接口或用于任何其他目的。

1756-OF8 配有八 (8) 个模拟输出通道,可配置为 +/-10VDC 和 0-20 mA 模拟输出信号。该器件在 15 mA - 21 nA/位范围内具有 650 位分辨率,在 15.10V - 4μV/位范围内具有 320 位分辨率,具有开路、短路和过压保护功能。

1756-OF8使用R梯形DAC,单调性,无失码模块转换方法,并以整数模式(左对齐,2秒补码)IEEE 32位浮点的形式提供寄存器数据。浮点格式的扫描时间为 12 毫秒,整数格式的扫描时间为 8 毫秒。

1756-OF8 需要可拆卸的接线端子来连接输入信号。合适的接线端子为 1756-TBNH 和 1756-TBSH。对于1756-TBNH,适用导线尺寸为0.33...2.1 毫米2 (22...14 AWG) 实心或绞合铜线,额定温度为 105 °C (221 °F) 或更高,单线连接最大绝缘层为 1.2 mm(3/64 in.),0.33...1.3 毫米2(22...16 AWG) 实心或绞合铜线,额定温度为 105 °C (221 °F) 或更高,双线连接的最大绝缘层为 1.2 mm(3/64 in.)。当使用1756-TBSH时,适当的导线尺寸为0.33...2.1 毫米2 (22...14 AWG) 实心或绞合屏蔽铜线,额定温度为 105 °C (221 °F) 或更高,最大绝缘层为 1.2 mm(3/64 in.)只有单线连接适用于 1756-TBSH。

工作时,其失调漂移为 50 ppm/摄氏度和 0.1 ppm/摄氏度,温度相关增益漂移为 25 ppm/摄氏度和 50 ppm/摄氏度(电流)。该模块的浮点扫描时间为 12 毫秒,整数的扫描时间为 8 毫秒,模块的整体误差为 0.15%(电压模式)和 0.3%(电流模式)。1756-OF8 模块的隔离电压为 250 伏,在输出通道和背板之间使用经过强化绝缘测试的 1350 伏交流电 2 秒。它具有 T4A(北美)、T4 (ATEX) 和 T4 (IEC) 温度代码,并采用开放式外壳。1756-OF8的工作温度范围在0至60摄氏度之间,旨在以30G的冲击率和2至10赫兹的500G振动保持其功能。



The Allen-Bradley 1756-OF8 is an analog output module that is part of the ControlLogix platform. The analog module can be used to control and modulate electrical and field equipment, transmit or retransmit signals to interface with measuring and recording instruments or for any other purpose.

The 1756-OF8 is equipped with eight (8) analog output channels that can be configured for +/-10VDC and 0-20 mA analog output signals. The device has 650 bit resolution in the 15 mA-21 nA/ bit range and 320 bit resolution in the 15.10 V-4 μV/ bit range with open circuit, short circuit and overvoltage protection.

The 1756-OF8 uses an R ladder DAC, monotonic, lost-free module conversion method, and provides register data in integer mode (left-justified, 2-second complement) IEEE 32-bit floating-point form. The scan time is 12 ms for floating-point format and 8 ms for integer format.

1756-OF8 requires detachable terminals to connect the input signal. Suitable terminals are 1756-TBNH and 1756-TBSH. For 1756-TBNH, the applicable wire size is 0.33... 2.1 mm 2 (22... 14 AWG) solid or stranded copper wire rated at 105 °C (221 °F) or higher with a single wire connection with a maximum insulation layer of 1.2 mm (3/64 in.), 0.33... 1.3mm 2 (22... 16 AWG) solid or stranded copper wire, rated at 105 °C (221 °F) or higher, with a maximum insulation layer of 1.2 mm (3/64 in.) for two-wire connections. When using 1756-TBSH, the appropriate wire size is 0.33... 2.1 mm 2 (22... 14 AWG) Solid or stranded shielded copper wire rated at 105 °C (221 °F) or higher with a maximum insulation layer of 1.2 mm (3/64 in.) Only single-wire connections are suitable for 1756-TBSH.

When operating, it has offset drifts of 50 ppm/ C and 0.1 ppm/ C, and temperature-dependent gain drifts of 25 ppm/ C and 50 ppm/ C (current). The module has a floating point scan time of 12 ms and an integer scan time of 8 ms, and the module has an overall error of 0.15% (voltage mode) and 0.3% (current mode). The 1756-OF8 module has an isolation voltage of 250 volts and uses a reinforced insulation tested 1350 volt AC for 2 seconds between the output channel and the backplane. It has T4A (North America), T4 (ATEX) and T4 (IEC) temperature codes and comes in an open housing. The 1756-OF8 operates in a temperature range between 0 and 60 degrees Celsius and is designed to maintain its function at a shock rate of 30G and a vibration of 500G from 2 to 10 Hertz.






1756-OF8  ControlLogix 产品系列的模拟输出模块












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