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1756-OF4 模拟量输出模块 四通道模拟输出模块

Allen-Bradley 1756-OF4 模块是 ControlLogix 非隔离输出模块。它具有 4 个电压或电流输出,电流分辨率为 15 位(21 mA)、650 nA/位,电压分辨率为 16 位(10.5V、320 μV/位)。它需要一个 20 引脚 RTB 或可拆卸接线端子外壳来连接现场设备。兼容的RTB是1756-TBSH和1756-TBNH。在使用 RTB 将模块安装到机箱和电源之前,请务必确保机箱和电源已安装并接地。



1756-OF4 模拟量输出模块  四通道模拟输出模块



Allen-Bradley 1756-OF4 模块是 ControlLogix 非隔离输出模块。它具有 4 个电压或电流输出,电流分辨率为 15 位(21 mA)、650 nA/位,电压分辨率为 16 位(10.5V、320 μV/位)。它需要一个 20 引脚 RTB 或可拆卸接线端子外壳来连接现场设备。兼容的RTB是1756-TBSH和1756-TBNH。在使用 RTB 将模块安装到机箱和电源之前,请务必确保机箱和电源已安装并接地。

该输出模块具有数据的滚动时间戳、带电移除和插入 (RIUP)、板载功能、模块分辨率、生产者/消费者通信和多种数据格式。此模块可用的数据格式为浮点模式和整数模式。该模块还可以使用通道数据将故障数据和状态多播到所有者监听控制器。

1756-OF4 模块的背板电压和电流额定值为 5.1V DC,24V DC 的最大额定电压和电流为 150 毫安。它在 5.1V 时的电流消耗为 150 毫安,在 24V 时的电流消耗为 120 毫安,背板总功率为 5.8 W。其功耗为3.7 W背板电源,过压保护为24V DC。模块的开路检测仅适用于电流输出,但输出应设置为大于 0.1 毫安。它还具有限制在 21 毫安或更小的短路保护。

它的输出范围为 0 至 20 毫安,低信号和用户数分别为 0 毫安和 -32768 计数,高信号和用户计数分别为 21.2916 毫安和 32767 计数。在+/- 10V的输出范围内,模块的低信号和用户数分别为-10.4336V和-32768计数,高信号和用户数分别为10.4336V和32676计数。它已在1350V AC下进行了2秒的常规测试,具有250V的连续隔离电压,该模块的电压驱动能力大于2000欧姆,

电流驱动能力为0至750欧姆。它的模块扫描时间为 12 ms 浮点,扫描时间为 8 ms 整数,模块误差为电压范围的 0.15% 和电流范围的 0.3%。在阻性负载下,其建立时间小于最终值的2 ms至95%。Allen-Bradley 1756-OF4 是一款模拟输出模块,能够提供模拟电压和电流信号,最大功耗为 3.25 W(4 通道电流),热耗散为 10.91 BTU/hr。


该模块的输出电压信号为 +/ 10 VDC 或 4-20 mA,分辨率为 15 位(10.5V、320 μV/位)和 15 位(21 mA、650 nA/位)。采用R梯形图DAC,单调性无失码转换方法。配置为浮点时,模块扫描时间为 12 毫秒,整数为 8 毫秒。

模拟输出模块通常用于调制执行器和设备,例如变频驱动器 (VFD)、调节控制阀、阻尼器、百叶窗和其他执行器。它通常设计用于实现在用户程序中配置的控制输出或命令。这样的用户亲gram 可能包括比例-积分-微分 (PID) 控制器、数学计算、手动输入接口、Move 和类似的模拟处理指令。

记录仪、指示器和数据记录仪也可以使用模拟输出。它还可用于连接外部控制器作为远程设定点,成为更高级控制策略的一部分,例如级联、前馈和其他使用两 (2) 个以上过程变量的控制策略。

该模块需要每 12 个月校准一次,校准精度优于 4 至 21 mA、-10.4 至 10.4V 范围的 0.05%。 



The Allen-Bradley 1756-OF4 module is a ControlLogix non-isolated output module. It has four voltage or current outputs with current resolution of 15 bit (21 mA), 650 nA/ bit, and voltage resolution of 16 bit (10.5V, 320 μV/ bit). It requires a 20-pin RTB or detachable terminal housing to connect field devices. Compatible RTBS are 1756-TBSH and 1756-TBNH. Before installing the module to the chassis and power supply using RTB, ensure that the chassis and power supply are installed and grounded.

The output module has rolling time stamps of data, live removal and insertion (RIUP), onboard functionality, module resolution, producer/consumer communication, and multiple data formats. The data formats available for this module are floating-point mode and integer mode. The module can also use channel data to multicast fault data and status to the owner listening controller.

The 1756-OF4 module has a backplane voltage and current rating of 5.1V DC and a maximum rated voltage and current of 150 mA for 24V DC. It has a current consumption of 150 mah at 5.1V and 120 mah at 24V, with a total backplane power of 5.8W. Its power consumption is 3.7W backplane power supply and overvoltage protection is 24V DC. The open circuit detection of the module is only applicable to the current output, but the output should be set to greater than 0.1 mA. It also has short circuit protection limited to 21 mA or less.

It has an output range of 0 to 20 mah, 0 mah and -32,768 counts for low signal and user, and 21.2916 mah and 32,767 counts for high signal and user, respectively. In the +/ -10V output range, the module has low signal and user counts of -10.4336V and -32768, and high signal and user counts of 10.4336V and 32676, respectively. It has been routinely tested for 2 seconds at 1350V AC, has a continuous isolation voltage of 250V, and the voltage drive capability of the module is greater than 2000 ohms.

Current drive capacity is 0 to 750 ohms. It has a module scan time of 12 ms floating point, a scan time of 8 ms integer, and a module error of 0.15% of the voltage range and 0.3% of the current range. Under resistive loads, its establishment time is less than 2 ms to 95% of the final value. The Allen-Bradley 1756-OF4 is an analog output module capable of providing analog voltage and current signals with a maximum power consumption of 3.25 W (4-channel current) and a thermal dissipation of 10.91 BTU/hr.

These output signals can be used to drive modulation devices and actuators, or to retransmit signals for use by loggers, indicators, data loggers and external controllers.

The module has an output voltage signal of +/ 10 VDC or 4-20 mA, and a resolution of 15 bits (10.5V, 320 μV/ bit) and 15 bits (21 mA, 650 nA/ bit). Using R ladder DAC, monotonicity lossless conversion method. When configured as floating point, the module scan time is 12 ms and the integer is 8 ms.

Analog output modules are commonly used to modulate actuators and devices such as variable frequency drivers (VFDS), regulating control valves, dampers, shutters, and other actuators. It is usually designed to implement control outputs or commands configured in a user program. Such a user-friendly gram might include proportional-integral-differential (PID) controllers, mathematical calculations, manual input interfaces, Move, and similar analog processing instructions.

Loggers, indicators, and data loggers can also use analog outputs. It can also be used to connect external controllers as remote set points to be part of more advanced control strategies, such as cascades, feed-forward, and others that use more than two (2) process variables.

The module needs to be calibrated every 12 months with a calibration accuracy better than 0.05% of the 4 to 21 mA, -10.4 to 10.4V range.

















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