


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

1769-L33ER | 1756-L61 可编程自动化控制器






通信 : 以太网

通信端口: 1 个 USB;1 以太网

支持的协议: 以太网 I/P

记忆 2兆字节(MB)

最大 I/O 数 支持的模块: 32 模块



1769-L33ER  |   1756-L61    可编程自动化控制器






通信 : 以太网

通信端口: 1 个 USB;1 以太网

支持的协议: 以太网 I/P

记忆 2兆字节(MB)

最大 I/O 数 支持的模块: 32 模块


Allen-Bradley 的 1769-L33ER CompactLogix 5370 控制器是一款紧凑型 Logix 控制器。1769-L33ER可以通过以太网端口与控制器或其他设备进行通信。该控制器具有 2 MB 的内置用户内存。它配有一个可选的非易失性存储卡,容量为 1GB,可以扩展到 2GB。1769-L33ER 可支持十六 (16) 个 I/O 模块,最多三 (3) 个 I/O bank,通过适当的扩展电缆连接。 1769-L33ER 在 4 个电源模块上具有 5 V、560mA、560V、4V、43ER 的消耗电流,最大功耗为 4.5 W。它具有 500 mA @ 5VDC 背板电流消耗和最大 30 伏母线绝缘。1769-L33ER 可以使用 DIN 导轨或面板安装进行安装。 1769-L3ER CompactLogix 控制器的平均重量为 0.31 千克(0.68 磅),配有开放式外壳。它是一种电子设备,工作温度范围为 0 至 60 摄氏度(32 至 140 华氏度)和 -40 至 85 摄氏度(-40 至 185 摄氏度)存储温度,最大相对非冷凝湿度范围在 0 至 95% 之间。该装置可与多种不同的电源一起使用,例如 1769-PA4、1769-PA2 和 1769-PB4。

Allen-Bradley 1769-L33ER 属于 CompactLogix 5370 L3 控制器。该产品系列是 1769 CompactLogix 控制器,是 Allen-Bradley 针对中型应用的模块化、高性价比的解决方案。该控制器具有 Logix 平台功能,并支持远远大于微型自动化控制器功能的扩展程度。1769-L33ER 支持多达十六 (16) 个本地 I/O 模块安装,并能够使用多达三 (3) 个 I/O 扩展组。它还提供一个嵌入式双以太网,充当嵌入式交换机,并支持 10/100 Mbps 数据速率和自动协商功能。

Model: 1769-L33ER

Category: Programmable Automation controllers

Finish: New, not new

Stock: Yes

Warranty; A year

Communication: Ethernet

Communication port: 1 USB; 1 Ethernet

Supported protocol: Ethernet I/P

Memory 2 megabytes (MB)

Maximum number of I/ OS Supported modules: 32 modules


Allen-Bradley's 1769-L33ER CompactLogix 5370 controller is a compact Logix controller. The 1769-L33ER can communicate with controllers or other devices through Ethernet ports. The controller has 2 MB of built-in user memory. It comes with an optional non-volatile memory card with a capacity of 1GB that can be expanded up to 2GB. The 1769-L33ER can support sixteen (16) I/O modules and up to three (3) I/O banks, connected via appropriate expansion cables. The 1769-L33ER has current consumption of 5 V, 560mA, 560V, 4V, 43ER on four Psus, with a maximum power consumption of 4.5 W. It features 500 mA @ 5VDC backplane current consumption and maximum 30 volt busbar insulation. The 1769-L33ER can be mounted using a DIN rail or panel mount. The 1769-L3ER CompactLogix controller has an average weight of 0.31 kg (0.68 lb) and comes with an open housing. It is an electronic device with an operating temperature range of 0 to 60 degrees Celsius (32 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit) and a storage temperature of -40 to 85 degrees Celsius (-40 to 185 degrees Celsius) and a maximum relative non-condensing humidity range of 0 to 95%. The device can be used with a number of different power sources, such as 1769-PA4, 1769-PA2 and 1769-PB4.

Allen-Bradley 1769-L33ER belongs to the CompactLogix 5370 L3 controller. The 1769 CompactLogix controller is Allen-Bradley's modular, cost-effective solution for mid-size applications. The controller has Logix platform capabilities and supports a degree of expansion far beyond the capabilities of the micro automation controller. The 1769-L33ER supports up to sixteen (16) local I/O module installations and is capable of using up to three (3) I/O expansion groups. It also offers an embedded dual Ethernet that acts as an embedded switch and supports 10/100 Mbps data rates and auto-negotiation capabilities.

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