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1794-IB32 32 点数字输入模块 2/4路开关量输入监测模块




1794-IB32   32 点数字输入模块  2/4路开关量输入监测模块



Flex 32 点数字输入模块


在实际应用中,1794-IB32 数字输入模块可以被广泛应用于各种工业自动化测量与控制系统中。例如,DAMx系列模块就是一种2/4路开关量输入监测模块,其通讯接口为1路RS-485口,采用MODBUS-RTU通讯协议,DC9~36V电源供电。这种模块可应用于各种工业自动化测量与控制系统中,其开关量输出可控制中间继电器或指示灯输出,开关的状态信号可通过开关量输入返回到主机。

此外,1794-IB32 数字输入模块还可以与PLC、触摸屏等设备配合使用,以实现更复杂的控制功能。例如,FX5U系列PLC就可以通过扩展模块对功能进行扩展,其中包括数字量输入/输出模块。这些扩展模块可以与CPU模块通过扩展电缆或扩展连接器进行连接,以实现更灵活的控制方式。

总的来说,1794-IB32 数字输入模块是工业自动化控制系统中不可或缺的一部分,它们能够实现数字信号的采集、处理和控制,从而确保系统的稳定运行和高效工作。


Model: 1794-IB32

Flex 32 point digital input module

The digital input module is mainly used to solve the digital circuit input problem of PLC, motion controller and other equipment, such as limit input, origin input and other digital input. These modules typically support 0-24V level inputs and have switch type selection, such as NPN/PNP. In addition, the digital input module may also have the function of dejitter, signal frequency calculation, and edge counting.

In practical applications, the 1794-IB32 digital input module can be widely used in various industrial automation measurement and control systems. For example, DAMx series module is a kind of 2/4 switch input monitoring module, its communication interface is 1 RS-485 port, using MODBUS-RTU communication protocol, DC9 ~ 36V power supply. The module can be used in various industrial automation measurement and control systems, and its switching output can control the intermediate relay or indicator output, and the status signal of the switch can be returned to the host through the switching input.

In addition, the 1794-IB32 digital input module can also be used with PLC, touch screen and other devices to achieve more complex control functions. For example, the FX5U series PLC can be extended with an expansion module, including a digital input/output module. These expansion modules can be connected to the CPU module through an expansion cable or expansion connector for a more flexible control mode.

In general, the 1794-IB32 digital input module is an indispensable part of the industrial automation control system, which can realize the acquisition, processing and control of digital signals, so as to ensure the stable operation and efficient work of the system.


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