


热门关键词: ABB GE A-B TRICONEX Schneider

1756-OF8H HART模块 实现模拟量和数字量的相融合通信

1756-OF8H HART模块通常连接到PLC控制器、数据采集器或其他自动化设备,以处理传感器和执行器之间传输的HART协议信号。它们可以与各种类型的传感器、执行器和仪表一起使用,实现自动监测、控制和优化过程。具体来说,HART模块可以将传输的信号(这些信号是通过调制后的正弦信号叠加在4~20mA的模拟信号上的)进行解析,从而实现模拟量和数字量的相融合通信。



1756-OF8H  HART模块  实现模拟量和数字量的相融合通信




线材类型 :铜

输出范围 :-10...10V,0...20毫安,4...20毫安

负载电抗 :电压: 1 μF, 电流: 10 μH

接线端子扭矩规格: 1756-TBNH:1.36 牛米(12 磅英寸)

输入转换方式 ;逐次逼近

模块键控 ;电子,软件可配置

失调漂移 :100 μV/°C,200 nA/°C

输出转换方式 :R-Ladder DAC,单调性,无失码

输出 :8 个电压或电流,每个模块 1 个 HART 调制解调器

数据格式 ;整数模式(左对齐,2 秒补码) IEEE 32 位浮点

线材类别 :2 - 在信号端口上

1756-OF8H HART(Highway Addressable Remote Transducer)模块是一种基于HART协议的集成电路或组件,旨在将HART协议编码、解码和转换为数字或模拟信号。HART协议是一种数字通信协议,早期主要用于工业自动化领域,它允许双向通信,并兼容4~20mA的传统模拟信号。

1756-OF8H HART模块通常连接到PLC控制器、数据采集器或其他自动化设备,以处理传感器和执行器之间传输的HART协议信号。它们可以与各种类型的传感器、执行器和仪表一起使用,实现自动监测、控制和优化过程。具体来说,HART模块可以将传输的信号(这些信号是通过调制后的正弦信号叠加在4~20mA的模拟信号上的)进行解析,从而实现模拟量和数字量的相融合通信。



Model: 1756-OF8H

Electrical connection type: Screw/spring clamp connection

Wire type: Copper

Output range: -10... 10V, 0... 20 mah, 4... 20 ma

Load reactance: Voltage: 1μF, current: 10μH

Terminal torque specification: 1756-TBNH: 1.36 nm (12 lb in.)

Input conversion mode; Successive approximation

Module keying; Electronic, software configurable

Offset drift :100 μV/°C, 200 nA/°C

Output conversion mode :R-Ladder DAC, monotonicity, no code loss

Output :8 voltages or currents, 1 HART modem per module

Data format; Integer mode (left-justified, 2-second complement) IEEE 32-bit floating point

Wire category: 2 - On the signal port

The 1756-OF8H HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer) module is an integrated circuit or component based on the HART protocol that is designed to encode, decode, and convert the HART protocol into digital or analog signals. HART protocol is a digital communication protocol, mainly used in the field of industrial automation in the early days, it allows two-way communication and is compatible with traditional analog signals of 4 to 20mA.

The 1756-OF8H HART module is typically connected to a PLC controller, data collector, or other automation device to process HART protocol signals transmitted between sensors and actuators. They can be used with various types of sensors, actuators and meters to enable automatic monitoring, control and optimization of processes. Specifically, the HART module can analyze the transmitted signals (these signals are superimposed on the analog signal of 4 ~ 20mA by the modulated sinusoidal signal), so as to achieve the integration of analog and digital communication.

In short, the 1756-OF8HHART module plays an important role in the field of industrial automation, connecting sensors and actuators,


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